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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs Dead

I woke up this morning to hear the news of the death of the Apple co-founder , Steve Jobs. I could not beleive my ears until i quickly did a search on the internet and i saw it on apple's website, Steve Jobs , 1955-2011. It was so sad to read of the death of this technology icon.

I never met him but all i have read about him is enough for me to believe in this man,his dreams and his work ethics. He is a no nonsense leader and he just like Henry Ford believes that nothing is impossible. And he is also a man of principles that believes that quantity does not equal quality. That is one of the reasons it doesn't take him hours to sack any member of staff that he feels is not needed. Just like the famous story of the lady that entered the elevator with him and by the time they came out of the elevator the lady was sacked, within some few seconds. That incidence is fast turning into a myth but its a true life story.

Yes Steve Jobs is dead. But his legacy leaves on, his products will eternally speak of him. His products has shaped the way business is done world wide. Steve jobs influenced the way we listen to music and the way we conduct businesses, the way we read books  and the way we communicate. He is an icon in the technology world and he can be compared to Henry Ford in terms of his achievement in technology.

There have been four apples that changed the world.The one that Eve ate in the bible, the one that fell on newton's head, The beatles' record label and the one Steve Jobs created. I better have more apples in my life so that i can be a world changer too.

The death of Steve Jobs is one of the events of year 2011 just like many famous deaths in the past. the Apple website dedicates the site home page to the picture of the icon. Let me end this write up with one quote from this icon. He once said "Being the richest man in the cemetery does not matter to me.Going to bed at night and saying we have done something wonderful. That is what matters to me."

May his soul rest in peace.

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