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Friday, November 26, 2010


Are your reasons for not seriously marketing your website based on truth or misconceptions?

Basing your marketing decisions on myths rather than truths can have devastating consequences on your business growth.In this post I’ll reveal 5 of the most common reasons why website owners overlook the richest gold mine of potential customers on the planet–the internet.

Myth #1 You think that you’re too busy to put forth the effort to market your website.
Truth: When you have a business, marketing is not an option. It is part of your business. Saying you don’t have time to market your business is like saying that you don’t have time to return customer phone calls, or mail off the products that people have ordered from you, or wake up on time to open your store.

Myth #2 You think that your current business performance is “good enough”.
Truth: Whatever your present sales are like, if you have not been capitalizing on the power of the internet in drawing customers to your website, your business not reached its highest potential.

Myth #3 You fear that you will not be able to figure out how website marketing works.
Truth: It is a common misconception that website marketing is complicated and technically oriented. The truth is that the average Joe can figure out how to do article marketing (and I’m happy to help you with this!). It is not over your head. It is just something that you haven’t done before. There is a big difference. If you know how to write a letter to your mother, you can write an article. If you can write an article, then you can submit an article. Just look at the resources I’ve provided at the end of this post and ask me if you have any questions.

Myth #4 You think that just having a website is sufficient to “get in on” the unlimited marketing potential of the internet.
Truth: If you have paid any attention to the result of just putting up a website (how much traffic you’re receiving, where you’re ranking in Google, etc) then you know for sure that just having a website is not enough. You need to market your website. You need to put some effort into publicizing your website and building up your search engine ranking for your keyword terms. Just having a website will not do you much good if you do not market it as well.

Myth #5 You think that marketing on the internet is too expensive.
Truth: You do not need to pay someone to market your website for you. You can hire someone if you like, but if you like to save your cash and want to have more of a hands-on approach to your business, you can market your site yourself. How? Use article marketing. Many non-technically minded people are already doing it. If they can do it, so can you!

Not only are all of these misconceptions unfortunate, but they can also be devastating to your business. Why?The internet is very quickly becoming the hottest marketing “event” on planet Earth, and even if you decide it’s not your cup of tea, chances are that one of your competitors is ready to step up to the plate. And with you not even showing up for the race, it makes it that much easier for him to dominate your niche.

And let’s say your competitors are as in the dark as you are and are unwilling to venture into the world of website marketing–that’s unbelievably good news for you.It’s like you’re running in a race and all of your competitors have overslept. If you put forth the effort, you will likely dominate.Will you pass up that opportunity? Or will you capitalize on this gold mine that is totally within your grasp and completely within your ability to master?Are there any obstacles in your way or questions that you have that you need addressed before you start article marketing?

Please your comments below.

1 comment:

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