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Thursday, January 21, 2010


I wonder what would the world be if we could all think the way God wants us to think.
We will be properous because HE said HE wish above all that our soul prospers.
We will all be healthy because HE said By HIS stripes we were healed.
We will all have our deisires met cos HE said the desires of the righteous will be granted.
We will all know the right steps to take cos HE said HE will instruct us and teach us in the way we should go.
We will all be wealthy cos HE is the one that gives us power to get wealth.
We will never be in need cos HE said the righteous will never be forsaken.
We will never be lonely because HE said He will never leave us nor forsake us.
We will never be afraid cos HE said we should fear not.
We will always overcome the challenges that come our way because HE said we should take heart that HE has overcome the world.
We will never have guilty concsience cos HE said There is therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
We will be winning every battle becasue HE said we are more than conquerors.
We will always be comforted because HE said nothing can seprate us from the Love of God.

WOW, all these are so true and so real if only we could think like Christ cos we have HIS mind.

Add other promises HE has given us below.

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